Day 12: on not practicing medicine part 3

by Don  

Last night the internet was out for many hours. I thought it was a problem with O, the company that provides my internet service. Turns out a whole bunch of internet companies were simply non-connected. Curious. I wonder if the whole city was affected?

Lewis woke feeling mostly good. Ate some bread and cheese for breakfast along with some mixed tropical-fruit juice. His body tolerated them decently. We then slowly walked to class. He did classes just fine. We chatted a bit about strategy for the evening. I think he'll stay one more night with me. I'd hate for him to barf again at his home stay, which would, I think, pretty well seal his fate of not returning there.

Classes went fine today. I sat in on the second third-year group. They are so talented. They make me proud. The conversation teacher said that Jefferson had nearly native pronunciation.

Quite a few in our group are ill. From the Barskoon trip four students were ill on Monday. The first and second had headcolds. (The second was treated by his babushka who placed a vodka-soaked towel around his neck, which made him feel better by Tuesday.) The third and fourth had stomach or bowel issues. From the Ala-Archa trip Franklin is still ill with an ear infection, and maybe with a lagging cold for the third week in a row. Another had stomach/bowel issues. Lewis had nausea. That means six were ill with things that might be attributed to the weekend events, or 25% of my group. That's the most illness I've ever had at once in a group. For the most part you count on 10% of your students being sick on any given day. The Barskoon group got caught in a cold downpour, which may have had something to do with it. The Ala-Archa group ate some watermelon...

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