Hungarian language, verb ‘to speak’

by Don  

Here we have the conjugation of the verb 'to speak' in the present tense indefinite. ‘Indefinite’ means that either it does not have a direct object or that the direct object is indefinite (a/an/some). SingularPlural 1stbeszélekbeszélünk… more »

Hungarian language, T-V distinction

by Don  

Many languages have forms of ‘you’ that differ in politeness or relational closeness. That is, you use one form of ‘you’ when talking to a stranger on the street, and another form when talking to your child. So when I saw that Hungarian had te and ön,… more »

Hungarian language, indefinite vs. definite conjugation

by Don  

Hungarian, like English, has indefinite and definite articles that indicate whether you are speaking about a specific object or a non specific object. For instance, Indefinite a car egy autó Definite the car az autó Now here is a bit of fun. Hungarian… more »