Archives for: "June 2010, 03"

Wednesday 2010-06-02 schedule - public

June 3rd, 2010
Here is what happened today. more »

My new favorite

June 3rd, 2010
Here is my new favorite place in the world: It is called Galereya kukhon' narodov mira "The Gallery of the Cuisines of the Peoples of the World." It's a cafeteria with a great selection of Russian and Tatar food (mostly), and they play easy… more »


June 3rd, 2010
Back in 1986 in Moscow food establishments generally closed before 8:00 p.m. Russians rarely ate at restaurants. You bought food at a store during the day, and then ate it at home. If you got home at 9:00 p.m. and you had nothing in the fridge, you… more »


June 3rd, 2010
Here is a local office supply store: It's name is "The Bureaucrat." I about died laughing when I saw this. I can't imagine having a store named like that in the States. The Russians hate bureaucracy even more than Americans, so the owners of the… more »

It's not just for lunch

June 3rd, 2010
Lunch: it's not just for lunch anymore. This morning I thought to myself, "Jeez, Don, if you don't start making your way through the entire menu of the cafeteria, summer will eventually end without you having tried everything. That would be a sin."… more »