Сукин сын

by Bella  

So let's look at the phrase, сукин сын. This is Russian for son of a bitch.

Пошёл ты к чёрту, сукин сын!
Go to hell you son of a bitch!

Я этого сукиного сына бросила.
I dumped that son of a bitch.

Nomсукин сынсукины дети
Accсукина сынасукиных детей
Genсукина сына
укиного сына)
сукиных детей
Preсукином сынесукиных детях
Datсукину сыну
укиному сыну)
сукиным детям
Insсукиным сыномсукиными детьми

What if there is a whole roomful of people deserving the colorful title? Well the plural version isn't "сукины сыновья" meaning, "sons of bitches." But сукины дети meaning children of bitches or, simply put, bastards. It's nice and inclusive by not being so gender specific.

Это сукины дети, которые меня оштрафовали.
Those are the bastards who fined me.

Только сукины дети такие вредные!
Only bastards are this vindictive!

Don comments: The word сукин (сукина, сукино, сукины) is a short form adjective. In Modern Russian, short form adjectives tend to have only nominative case short forms, but there are some that also have the other five case forms. You find them in certain fixed phrases (e.g., Ахиллесова пята “Achilles’ heal”, Гордиев узел “the Gordian knot”) and in possessive adjectives (мамин “belonging to Mom”, папин “belonging to Dad”). You will notice that the genitive and dative singulars have two forms. Theoretically, the shorter form tends to be used in the fixed phrases, and the longer form elsewhere. In the second example sentence we might more commonly encounter «Я бросила сукина сына», but the -ого form is also common in casual speech.

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Comment from: David Emerling [Visitor]

What would be a common expression a Russian must blurt out if he accidentally hit his thumb while hammering a nail. In English, we might say, “Son of a bitch!”

Don responds: One of my 20-year old Russian acquaintances says that Russians would also say «Сукин ты сын!» in that context. Myself, I’m a bit skeptical. Perhaps some other Russians might chime in?

06/03/11 @ 11:27
Comment from: Olga [Visitor]

child of the Devil could be translated as дъяволенОК
child of the Satan - сатаненОК
child of evil - чертенОК

01/22/11 @ 19:46
Comment from: Olga [Visitor]

“child of the snake” has even a better translation, such as “змееныш”

01/22/11 @ 18:30
Comment from: Olga [Visitor]

child of devil = чертов ребенок is also good

01/22/11 @ 09:45
Comment from: Olga [Visitor]

child of Devil - (кто-то) от дьявола, дьявольское дитя
Пример: Скажу тебе, этот человек от дьявола. Избавься от него.

Child of Satan - дитя Сатаны.
Пример: Дитя Сатаны - вот ты кто такой!
Child of snake - змеюка, змеинный выродок
Пример: Этот змеиный выродок всю жизнь мне испортил. Эта змеюка отбила у меня парня.

01/22/11 @ 09:43
Comment from: Alexiel [Visitor]

“child of Satan
‘child of the devil’
‘child of evil’
‘child of the snake’”
child of Satan+child of the devil = чертов ребенок
child of evil = дитя зла
child of the snake = we don’t need this “phrase”
we have “мат” - and “сука” is the one word from it.

10/13/10 @ 00:29
Comment from: Timo [Visitor]

And how about an expression something like
“child of Satan” or
‘child of the devil’ or
‘child of evil’ or
‘child of the snake’.

Anything something like those in Russian?

Don responds: None that I know of. There is a phrase «чёртовая мать» which is a potent curse.

10/11/10 @ 09:34

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