
by Don  

The other day I came across a story that included the following line:

Этой ночью кошка в надцатый раз нагадила под диван. Last night the cat pooped for the umpteenth time under the couch.

I had never encountered the word на́дцатый before, but instinct immediately told me it meant ‘umpteenth.’ Instincts always have to be double checked when you are dealing with a language not native to you, so I consulted a dictionary and found confirmation; and to my shock I also found out that there is a number ‘umpteen,’ which is на́дцать. That is very cool. These words are jocular, of course, not something you would write in a professional document or presentation, but everyone understands them. The noun form declines like this:


and the adjective form declines like a standard adjective:

Masc Neut Fem Pl
Nom на́дцатый на́дцатое на́дцатая на́дцатые
Acc * на́дцатую *
Gen на́дцатого на́дцатой на́дцатых
Pre на́дцатом
Dat на́дцатому на́дцатым
Ins на́дцатым на́дцатыми

Remember that these words are slightly humorous, so you will see them in informal contexts. Here are some theoretically possible sample sentences.

Тань, не поверишь, но вчера Серёга в надцатый раз пристал ко мне. Я больше терпеть не могла, так что пришлось просто отшить его. Tanya, you won't believe it, but yesterday Sergei hit on me for the umpteenth time. I couldn't take it any more so I
ended up having to get rid of him.
Ванька, я уже тебе надцать раз сказала, чтобы ты не забывал опускать сиденье унитаза! Если ещё раз забудешь, тебе будет плохо. Johnny, I've already told you umpteen times not to forget to put the toilet seat down! If you forget again, you'll be in big trouble.

Here's the whole story I mentioned before (source). Enjoy!

Этой ночью кошка в надцатый раз нагадила под диван. Last night the cat pooped for the umpteenth time under the couch.
Пришлось вставать и убирать. I had to get up and clean it.
Естественно, я не выспался: на завтрак пожарил себе йогурт; Of course, I didn't get enough sleep: at breakfast I ended up frying my yogurt.
на работе в сердцах разбил ксерокс, который отказывался работать — оказалось, это был сканер; At work in a fit of anger I broke a copy machine that didn't want to work; turned out it was a scanner.
вместо любовницы позвонил шефу и пять минут уговаривал его на интимную ночь с шампанским при свечах. I tried to call my girlfriend but accidentally called my boss and spent five minutes sweet-talking him into an intimate evening with champagne and candles.
Когда я сообразил, кому звоню, он уже почти согласился. By the time I had realized who I had called, he had practically agreed to come.
Пришел вечером домой и запер кошку в стиральной машине — I got home in the evening and shut the cat in the washing machine:
пусть сидит и думает над своим поведением. he needs to sit there a while and think about what he did.

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