Совместная жизнь (женат)

by Don  

Today we will talk about the word женат, which is a short form adjective that means ‘married.’ The word is used to refer to a man being married or to a couple being married; today we address the former situation. For instance, let's say you've just run into an old friend, Владимир, whom you haven't seen for quite some time. As you catch up, you might say:

Ну, Вов, скажи, ты женат или ещё холостой? So tell me, Vova, are you married or still single?

In response to the question, you might hear very compact answers:

— Ты женат?
— Да, женат.
“Are you married?”
“Yes, I am.”
— Ты женат?
— Нет, не женат.
“Are you married?”
“No, I'm not.”

If the man you are talking to is one whom you address in вы form, then женат must go in the plural:

— Владимир Владимирович, вы женаты?
— Да, женат.
“Vladimir Vladimirovich, are you married?”
“Yes, I am.”
— Филипп Бедросович, вы женаты?
— Нет, не женат.
“Philipp Bedrosovich, are you married?”
“No, I'm not.”

Of course, once you know the person is married, you will want to know to whom he is married, for which purpose you will use the preposition на followed by the prepositional case:

Владимир Владимирович женат на Людмиле Александровне. Vladimir Vladimirovich is married to Lyudmila Aleksandrovna.

With that in mind, theoretically one could have the following conversation:

— Вова, ты женат?
— Да, женат.
— На ком ты женат?
— На твоей бывшей девушке, Любе.
“Vova, are you married?”
“Yes, I am.”
“Who are you married to?”
“To your old girlfriend Lyuba.”

Although that conversation is perfectly grammatical, it is also a bit odd. Instead of using the на ком construction, most Russians will make it simpler:

— Вова, ты женат?
— Да, женат.
— А кто твоя жена?
— Твоя бывшая девушка, Люба.
“Vova, are you married?”
“Yes, I am.”
“Who is your wife?”
“Your old girlfriend Lyuba.”


by Don  

If you want to talk about a television program, one word you can use is передача. The word literally means transmission, so it can apply to a radio transmission or a satellite transmission, but in the context of TV it can be simply translated as program. It declines like this:


Russian television broadcasts an amazing mix of things. They show American shows and cartoons, old soap operas like ‘Santa Barbara’ and ‘Dynasty.’ They show Soviet era movies and music videos. Mexican soap operas like «Богатые тоже плачут» “The rich cry, too.” You can find pretty well anything you want.

Мой младший брат любит передачу «Дисней-клуб». My little brother likes the program “Disney Club.”
Передача «Здоровье» начинается в девять часов десять минут. [The program] “Health” starts at 9:10.
— Когда заканчивается передача «Слово пастыря»?
— В десять часов.
“When does [the program] ‘The Pastor's Word’ end?”
“At ten o'clock.”
Из всех американских передач я больше всего люблю «Хаус». Of all the American programs I like ‘House’ best of all.
— Ты слышал, что Девина Хестера оштравофали, потому что он показал свою попку на телевизионной передаче?
— Не правда, не было никакого штрафа. Он ведь не нарочно это сделал. За ошибки не штрафуют.
“Did you hear that they fined Devin Hester because he showed his tush on a television program?”
“That's not true. There was no fine. He didn't do it on purpose. You don't get fined for accidents.”


by Bella  

You ever get so busy that you forget what day of the week it is? I do. With work and school to take up most of my attention, I find myself suddenly realizing that I have no idea what day of the week it is! It's a good thing my phone has a Календарь on it. Yep, in Russian the word for calendar sounds almost identical to its English counterpart. They both originate from the Latin word "kalendae" which means "first day of the month."


Some examples:

Я часто пользуюсь календарём.
I often use a calendar.

Моя мама не может обойтись без календаря под рукой.
My mom is lost without a calendar handy.

У каждого студента должен быть календарь.
Every student must have a calendar.

Андрей, по твоему календарю, когда будет следующий праздник?
Andrew, according to your calendar, when is the next holiday?


by Don  

Many American students visiting Russia for the first time also eat foods that they have never eaten before, and among those foods are свёкла beets. That is not to say that no one eats beets in the US, but you mostly find them eaten by families whose ancestors came from Eastern Europe or by families in farming communities. You will find them in salad bars, of course, but if you watch carefully you will notice that people eat them in very small quantities. Here's how the word declines:


You will note that there is a plural form of the word, but in fact the Russians mostly use the word in the singular where English speakers would use it in the plural.

Picture courtesy of Wikipedia

Why do Russians eat so many beets? Probably because it's a hardy plant that grows well in cold regions. Among the most popular Russian beet dishes are винегрет, a salad made of boiled beets and other vegetables, and борщ, the world-famous beet soup. Sugar is also extracted from the sugar beet.

Мама приготовила салат из отварной свёклы. Такой салат называется винегретом. Mom made a salad of boiled beets. That kind of salad is called vinaigrette.
В сахарной свёкле содержится тот же сахар, который можно получить из сахарного тростника. (adapted from this source) Sugar beets contain the same sugar that you can get from sugar cane.
Не забудь купить свёклу! Don't forget to buy beets!
Моя бабушка всегда красила губы соком, сделанным из отварной свёклы. My grandmother always colored her lips with a juice made from boiled beets.


by Bella  

Today's word is one that I personally haven't come across that often, but I like how it is formed. Words and their roots fascinate me, so it's nice to see a word that makes such sense. Рукопись means manuscript. It refers to text written by hand. In fact, it is the combination of: рука(hand) and писать(to write). It can’t be any more straightforward than that! It can also mean a draft one would send to a publisher.


Я отправила рукопись редактору.
I sent the manuscript to the editor.

Он не интерестуется рукописями о президентах.
He is not interested in manuscripts about presidents.

Профессор yслышал о древних рукописях.
The professor heard about the ancient manuscripts.

Я занимаюсь переводом арабской рукописи.
I am busy with the translation of the Arabic manuscript.

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