Угол, часть первая

by Don  

The word for corner in Russian is угол. It means corner both in the sense of a street corner and the corner of a box or a pointy hat or a polygon. The о is a fleeting vowel, so it only shows up in the nominative singular:

Preоб угле
на углу

Notice that there are two separate forms for the prepositional case. If you are using the preposition в or на to indicate location, then use the углу form, which is sometimes called the locative case since it indicates locations. If you are using the preposition о, use the угле form.

Из-за угла подошёл незнакомый человек. A stranger came around the corner.
В углу стояли часы. There was a clock in the corner [of the room].
На углу стоял милиционер. There was a policeman standing on the corner.
Идите до угла и поверните направо. Go to the corner and then turn right.
За углом находится аптека. There is a pharmacy around the corner.
Мой брат мне рассказал об угле, на котором он раньше встречался с Таней. My brother told me about the corner on which he used to meet Tanya.
Ванька, иди-встань в угол, пока не успокоишься! Johnny, go stand in the corner until you calm down!

That last example shows a cultural difference. In the US we usually tell kids, “Go sit in the corner,” not “Go stand in the corner.” Russians usually tell their kids to go to the corner or go stand in the corner. In the old days the Russians even “ставили детей на колени в угол” sent kids to kneel in the corner, and sometimes they even had the kids kneel on gravelly stuff to increase the misery:

Меня в детстве за большие провинности ставили в угол на колени и подсыпали под них горох… Это конечно лучше чем воспитание ремнем, но все равно это не выход! (source) When I was a kid, for major transgressions they set me in the corner on my knees and spread [dried] peas under them… That's better than disciplining with a belt, but nonetheless it's not a solution!

<sigh> I miss those days.

День (часть третья)

by Don  

Although normally in Russian you refer to the days of the week using nouns like понедельник and среда, there is an alternate way to do it. You make an adjective out of the day of the week and then combine it with the word день ‘day’. It is not as common as simply using the nouns, but it is still possible. Here is a list of the nouns and their corresponding adjectives:


Note carefully that there is no adjectival equivalent for среда, and notice also that the adjective from суббота is soft. When translating the phrases into English, simply use the noun. Here are a few examples:

Это был воскресный день, но «мусора» не отдыхают. (source) It was a Sunday, but cops don't get days off.
Псковский почтамт планирует выдавать пенсии по воскресным дням. (source) The Pskov main post office is planning to distribute pension money on Sundays.
Ребята, сегодня последний пятничный день осени. (source) Guys, today is the last Friday of fall.
Наступил четверговый день. (source) Thursday arrived.

It would be a mistake to think that all the adjectives are equally acceptable. The phrase «воскресный день» is very common. The next most common is «субботний день». The others you will find in good dictionaries, but they are encountered very rarely. And why is there no adjective from среда? Hard to say. Sometimes in language you have to give up and say, “That's just the way it is.”

День (часть вторая)

by Don  

Previously we discussed день ‘day’ in the nominative/accusative singular. What about the other forms? Here's where it gets tricky. The -е- is a fleeting vowel, which means any time you add a grammatical ending to the stem, the -е- drops out. The -ь at the end makes the stem soft, but it also drops out when endings are added, and the endings are always soft, so the declension turns out like this:


Notice that except in the nominative/accusative singular, the д is immediately followed by н, which is tricky for us Americans to pronounce. It is a nasally-released soft [d]. In other words, you make the soft [d] sound, but then you let no breath out through the mouth, releasing the breath through the nose as you say the [n]. Here are a few sample sentences.

Я не хочу говорить о том дне. I don't want to talk about that day.
Всё должно быть готово к тому дню. Everything must be ready by that day.
С того дня мы с ней ни разу не виделись. Since that day she and I haven't seen each other even once.
Мне было так грустно, что я сидел дома целыми днями. I was so sad that I stayed at home for days at a time.

День (часть первая)

by Don  

The Russian word for day is день. Since it is an incredibly common word, we are going to talk about it quite a few times. Today we will start with something simply. День is an inanimate masculine noun, so it's accusative case form is the same as its nominative form. That's fortunate because we mostly use the word in the nominative and accusative case. Here are some examples of it in the nominative:

— Какой сегодня день?
— Сегондя четверг.
“What day is today?”
“Today is Thursday.”
— Какой вчера был день?
— Вчера была среда.
“What day was it yesterday?”
“Yesterday was Wednesday.”
— Какой завтра будет день?
— Завтра будет пятница.
“What day is tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow is Friday.”
— Какой сегодня день?
— Сегодня дождливый день.
— Нет, нет. Я хочу сказать, какой сегодня день недели?
— Ах, понял. Сегодня четверг.
— Я думаю, ты меня хорошо понял в первый раз. Ты просто любишь доставать.
“What day is it?”
“It's a rainy day.”
“No, no. I mean what day of the week is it?”
“Oh, now I understand. Today is Thursday.”
“I think you understood me fine the first time. You just like to annoy me.”

You will remember that to say “on Monday” or “on Tuesday”, you have to use the preposition в + accusative in Russian. Similarly, to say “on that day” in Russian you say «в тот день» or «в этот день». Oddly enough, in English we usually leave out the “on” when combining it with “that day,” so in translation you will have to remember to add it in:

Я помню, когда Петя в первый раз поцеловал меня. В тот день я очень скучала по семье. Он увидел мою грусть и решил отвлечь мои мысли. Этот неожиданный поцелуй так поразил меня, что я почти неделю не думала ни о маме ни о папе. I remember when Peter kissed me for the first time. That day I really missed my family. He saw my sadness and decided to distract my thoughts. That unexpected kiss stunned me so that for nearly a week I didn't even think of my mom and dad.
Я хочу рассказать тебе о том, как я познакомился с президентом США. В тот день я надел новый костюм-тройку и новый галстук. Я очень нервничал, но когда он пожал мне руку, он поговорил со мной просто и дружелюбно, как будто бы я был его коллегой, а не иностранцем с Камчатки. I want to tell you how I met the President of the USA. That day I had put on a new three-piece suit and a new tie. I was really nervous when he shook my hand, but he spoke with me simply and kindly, as if I were a colleague of his instead of a foreigner from Kamchatka.

Ли (часть третья)

by Don  

Previously we discussed the particle ли in its function of making yes-no questions. It has another function as the equivalent of the English word ‘whether.’ In English ‘whether’ always occurs as the first word in its subordinate clause; ли must always be the second item in its clause:

Я не знаю, должен ли я купить новый мобильник. I don't know whether I should buy a new cell phone.

If the subordinate clause contains words like должен, надо or нужно, they usually come before ли. The next most likely word to come before ли is a conjugated verb:

Она спросила, хочу ли я чая. She asked whether I wanted tea.
Она хочет знать, говорит ли Борис по-английски. She wants to know whether Boris speaks English.

Any other word/phrase can occur before ли if it bears the focus of the question:

Мой брат спросил, мама ли купила продукты. My brother asked whether it was mother who had bought the groceries or dad.
Профессор спросил, в Париже ли находится музей «Museo del Prado». The professor asked whether it was in Paris that the “Museo del Prado” could be found.

Clever students will have noticed that this use of ли is a part of what we call “indirect speech.” Indirect speech in Russian and English behave somewhat differently. In English, when changing from direct speech to indirect speech, the tense of the subordinate clause undergoes fairly complex changes. For instance, considering the following sentences.

Zhanna asked John, “Do you want some tea?”
Zhanna is asking John, “Do you want some tea?”
Zhanna will ask John, “Do you want some tea?”

Note the tense of the verbs in the subordinate clause in the corresponding indirect speech sentences:

Zhanna asked John whether he wanted some tea.
Zhanna is asking John whether he wants some tea.
Zhanna will ask John whether he wants some tea.”

This change is called “sequence of tenses” by linguists. Russian does not have a sequence of tenses rule like that. Whatever the tense of a verb is in the original direct speech is the same tense that occurs in the indirect speech. In other words, in direct speech we will have:

Жанна спросила Ивана, хочет ли он чая.
Жанна спрашивает Ивана, хочет ли он чая.
Жанна спросит Ивана, хочет ли он чая.

Rule of thumb: when switching from direct speech to indirect speech in Russian, keep the tense of the original verb.

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