
by Don  

The word уже means already. Be careful to get the stress right because if you say уже that means narrower.

Я уже смотрел тот фильм. I've already seen that film.
Я уже написала домашнее задание. I've already finished my homework.

When уже combines with the negative particle не, we translate the combination into English with the phrases “no longer” or “not anymore.”

Оля уже не живёт в Москве. Olya no longer lives in Moscow.
Olya doesn't live in Moscow any more.
Эдик пять лет работал в итальянском ресторане, он уже не любит есть спагетти. Ed worked at an Italian restaurant for five years. He no longer likes to eat spaghetti.

The Russians use уже much more than the English speakers use the word already, and very often the meaning is somewhat attenuated. That kind of “faded” уже is sometimes captured by the word “now” or “really,” and sometimes it's best left simply untranslated.

Он уже давно живёт в Москве. He has been living in Moscow for quite some time now.
Она уже скоро пойдёт домой. She'll be heading home soon now.
Я хотел сегодня почистить тарелки, помыть полы, и постирать, просто не было возможности. А убирать квартиру уже можно. Today I wanted to wash the dishes, clean the floors and do laundry, but I simply didn't have the chance. But I can straighten up the apartment.
— Боря сказал, что у тебя хорошее лекарство от головной боли.
— Это уже не лекарство, а целебные травы, которые обновляют правильную функцию организма.
“Borya said that you have good medicine for a headache.”
“It's not really medicine, but rather medicinal herbs that restore the body's proper functioning.”

One last quirk is that уже is sometimes shortened into уж. There is also a noun уж that means “grass snake.” So how do you tell when the Russians mean “already” and when they mean “grass snake”? Frankly, if you can't tell the difference between those two things in context, you aren't smart enough to study Russian. Consider switching your major to French.


by Don  

The word for a tear is слеза. Notice the stress pattern:

Sing Pl
Nom слеза слёзы
Acc слезу слёзы
Gen слезы слёз
Pre слезе слезах
Dat слезе слезам
Ins слезой слезами

A few sample sentences:

Пушкин писал, что Гоголь заставляет людей «смеяться сквозь слезы грусти и умиления». (source) Pushkin wrote that Gogel makes people “laugh through tears of sadness and heartfelt emotion.”
Джессика Альба довела мужа до слез. (source) Jessica Alba brought tears to her husband's eyes.
Слеза Натуральная содержит водорастворимую полимерную систему, которая в сочетании с естественной слезной жидкостью глаза улучшает увлажнение роговицы. (source) “Natural Tears” [eye product] has a water-soluble polymer system that along with the eye's own natural tear liquid improves hydration of the cornea.
На пресс-конференции Жириновский не сдерживал эмоций и даже пустил скупую мужскую слезу, повествуя о трудной жизни своих родственников. (source) At the press converence Zhirinovsky could not contain his emotions and even let fall a sparse manly tear when talking about the difficult life of his relatives.

The word teardrop is big news this month in the US due to a viral e-mail going around that contains, among other things, this picture and these words:

This is the "TEAR DROP" made and installed by the Russians to honor those who died in 9 11 and a statement against terrorism. It is very impressive. The tear drop is lined up with the Statue of Liberty.

When I saw that note, I had no idea whether it was real or not, so I headed right away to snopes.com to see if it had been debunked. Go figure: it's legitimate, and the monument even has an official website where you can see a picture of Putin at the dedication.

Левша, правша

by Don  

The words левша and правша mean leftie (a left-handed person) and rightie (a right-handed person) respectively. The former declines like this:

Sing Pl
Nom левша левши
Acc левшу левшей
Gen левши левшей
Pre левше левшах
Dat левше левшам
Ins левшой левшами

The word правша declines precisely the same way. A few example sentences:

Если вы правша, то большую часть пищи вы пережёвываете на правой стороне челюсти, и наоборот, если вы левша, то на левой. (source) If you are right-handed, then you chew the majority of your food on the right side of your mouth, and conversely if you are left-handed, then [you chew] on the left side.
Исследования указывают, что левшами чаще являются мужчины чем женщины. (Russian Wikipedia) Research shows that men are left-handed more often than women.
Почему левши зарабатывают больше правшей? Why do lefties earn more than righties?
Электросудорожная терапия превращает правшей в левшей. Electroshock therapy turns righies into lefties.

Though every beginning student of Russian knows that there are masculine nouns and feminine nouns, not every student knows that there are common gender nouns as well, and among them are левша and правша. A common gender noun is one that takes masculine adjectives if referring to a man and feminine adjectives if referring to a woman. Thus one could theoretically say:

Юлия — легкомысленная левша. Julie is an air-headed leftie.
Иван — нахальный левша. John is a cocky leftie.

Simlarly if a common gender noun is the subject of a sentence, it induces masculine agreement in the verb if the noun refers to a man and feminine agreement if the noun refers to a woman. Thus, though not a common thing to say, one could theoretically say:

В комнату вошла правша. A right-handed woman entered the room.
В комнату вошёл правша. A right-handed man entered the room.


by Don  

The word for jaw in Russian is челюсть, which is a feminine noun. Not too surprisingly, the movie “Jaws” was translated into Russian as «Челюсти».

Doubtless the most famous historical incident involving a jaw is Samson's slaying of the Philistines:

Нашёл он свежую ослиную челюсть и, протянув руку свою, взял её, и убил ею тысячу человек. He found the fresh jaw of an ass and, having stretched forth his hand, he took it and killed a thousand people with it.
Книга Судей израилевых 15:15 Judges 15:15

Sometimes your neck and head can hold a lot of tension, in which case you should take the following advice:

Зевните один раз как можно шире, потом пошевелите челюсть чуточку налево и направо, и потом спокойно закройте рот. Yawn once as wide as you can, then move your jaw a little left and a little right, and then calmly close your mouth.

When you combine челюсть with the adjective вставная “insertable” or съёмная “removable,” it means denture:

У Жанны Фриске вставная челюсть Zhana Friske has dentures
В своём блоге Александр доложил о том, что в бизнес-классе одного из рейсов, который перевозил целую плеяду отечественных звёзд, через приоткрытую дверь туалета он стал очевидцем следующей картины: Жанна Фриске стоит у раковины, а в руках съёмная челюсть (!) и зубная щётка… Это шокирующее открытие имело подтверждение на днях. (source) In his blog Alexander reported that in the business class section of a flight that carried the entire Pleiades of Russian stars, through a slightly open restroom door he became witness to the following picture: Zhanna Friske stood at the sink, and in her hands was a set of dentures (!) and a toothbrush… This shocking discovery was confirmed a few days later.

Oh, the horror! Oh, the humanity! Actually, when I read things like this in Russian, I'm encouraged: it proves that not it's not just we Americans who can be shallow beyond words.


by Don  

The verb надевать/надеть means “to put on” an item of clothing. It conjugates just like одевать/одеть:

to put on
Imperfective Perfective
Infinitive надевать надеть
Past надевал
Present надеваю
No such thing as
perfective present
in Russian.
Future буду надевать
будешь надевать
будет надевать
будем надевать
будете надевать
будут надевать
Imperative надевай

The item of clothing that is put on goes in the accusative case:

Гэри Олдмен надевает обручальное кольцо в четвёртый раз. Gary Oldman is donning an engagement ring for the fourth time.
Таня надела шёлковую кофту. Tanya put on a silk blouse.
Джуд Лоу надел колготки и парик. Jude Law put on panty hose and a wig.

If you put the item of clothing on somone else, the other person appears in the accusative case after the preposition на:

Бабушка надела трусики на ребёнка. The grandmother put underpants on the child.
Грабитель спокойно надел на голову горнолыжную маску. The robber calmly put a ski mask on his head.

You can also specify various body parts after на, and other prepositions can also be used to indicate layers of clothing:

Она надела на палец изумрудное кольцо. She put an emerald ring on her finger.
На шею я надел шарф. I put a scarf on my neck.
Поверх рубашки Борис надел свитер. Boris put a sweater on over his shirt.
Папа надел под пиджак галстук. Dad put a tie on under his jacket.

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