Categories: "Holidays"

Русcкие праздники

by Olga  

Every year, Russia celebrates many holidays праздники, some of which are also celebrated in the United States. New Year's «Новый год» is a universal holiday that is celebrated all over the world. Unlike in America, Russians usually buy Christmas trees on December 29th or 30th and will decorate them with all kinds of beautiful ornaments. The tree will be left until January 7th which is the day that Russian people celebrate Christmas «Рождество Христово». On March 8th is International Women’s Day «Международный женский день» when men all over Russia buy gifts such as flowers and candy for women that they love. (Тhis could be wives, girlfriends, fiancéеs, or daughters). Every year on International Women’s Day my father buys roses for me, my sister, and my mom, and we say «Kак приятно! Ты купил нам розы!» “How nice! You bought us roses!” My crazy ex-boyfriend could have learned a thing or two from my dad.

Another important holiday in Russia is Victory Day «День победы». This is a day when people celebrate the USSR victory over Germany in WW2 while also remembering the soldiers that died during those four bloody years. Following Victory Day is April Fool's Day «День смеха» on April 1st. Once, my sister tricked me by placing sugar in the salt shaker and salt in the sugar container. I was mad at first but then began laughing. Троица Whitsuntide on June 15th is another important Russian holiday. This holiday celebrates the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It is traditional for people to bring plants into the home on that day. Some families will even sprinkle grass around the home and many churces do the same. Finally, Easter Пасха is the greatest church holiday in Russia. Many people visit a church or monastery on that day and bake a special Easter bread, which is also called пасха, just like the holiday itself. The Easter bread along with a small container of water is taken to church and made holy during the service. Afterwards, people go home to enjoy the holy water «свячёная вода» and holy Easter bread «свячёная пасха» along with many other foods and drinks.

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