Archives for: "September 2014"


by Natasha  

Бомж-пакет is a Russian colloquialism. Now, Google Translate, in its primitive wisdom, translates this word into English as "bum-bag", which is a very literal translation, but doesn't really capture the essence of the word. It's actually used as slang… more »

Минералка, часть первая

by Don  

One of the things that confuses Americans going to Russia is the Russians fondness for mineral water. In conversational Russian it can be called минера́лка, although of course the proper word for it is минера́льная вода. Минералка declines like this.… more »


by Janell  

The human body is made up of many parts: bones, tissues, muscles, organs etc. Part of the organ family is the skin and it is the largest organ of the body. In Russian the word for skin is кожа.The word declines as such: SgPl Nomкожакожи Accкожукожи… more »


by Natasha  

The Russian word шишка can be translated into English 'bigwig', 'big shot', 'head honcho', so on and so forth. It can also mean 'cone,' but we'll be focusing more on the 'big shot' context today: SgPl Nomшишкашишки Accшишкушишки Genшишкишишек… more »


by Natasha  

The Russian word фасоль means 'bean,' as in the beans that are eaten by people. It declines as such: SgPl Nomфасoльфасоли Accфасольфасоли Genфасoлифасолей Preфасолифасолях Datфасолифасолям Insфасольюфасолями Interestingly enough, the word фасоль… more »

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