Archives for: "November 2008"

С Днём благодарения!

by Don  

The Russian phrase for the American Holiday Thanksgiving is День благодарения, literally the day of thanking. When wishing someone a Happy Thanksgiving, the Russians use the verb поздравлять/поздравить, which is often translated “to congratulate.” The… more »


by Olga  

The Russian word for emotions is чувства (singular чувство). Some of the basic emotions are happiness радость, sadness печаль, anger злость, anticipation ожидание, disgust отвращение, fear страх, excitement возбуждённость, disappointment разочарование,… more »


by Olga  

The Russian word for umbrella is зонт. Everyone should invest in an umbrella because it can help prevent a person from becoming wet on a rainy day. However, many people also enjoy using an umbrella on a hot day because it helps protect against sun… more »


by Don  

I skipped breakfast this morning, so meals are much in my thoughts at the moment. Let's discuss them. First off, the nouns breakfast, lunch, and dinner are завтрак, обед, and ужин respectively. Яичница means fried (or scrambled) eggs, so “I ate fried… more »


by Olga  

The Russian word for compliment is комплимент. People enjoy expressing their feelings through a compliment whether it is a special holiday such as Valentines Day or any day of the year. When a man wants to compliment a woman about her beauty, he can say… more »

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